
LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 - JUDGE ME! Showing to you a sample newsletter and a website. Assess and give 5 comments/recommendations to each screen shots based on the following criteria Content: Cagayan Valley's DILG LFP Bulletin CNGP Organization: Dar Darwin Pal Duet KALSADA CNC Quirino hosts first nat'l CMGP Benchmarking Attractiveness: CA A DM physical accomplishment of projects funded under the CMGP Program the province has built a total of 31 83 kilometers of roads ultimately benefitting bus nessmen, tourists and the general public AMT The activity, attended by a total of 118 delegates across the country is the first National CHGP Benchmarking ever to be conducted Accuracy: Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator (PPDC) Dencio M Pagbilao during the opening program shared the best practices of the Provincial Government of Quirino, of which indude, among others, procurement of state of the art survey equipment, completion of procurement process at an average of 40 ca endar days, strict evaluation and post-qualification of contractors, advance preparation of plans, detailed engineering design and program of work, conduct of weekly project coordination meetings. facilitative administrative LGRRC2 Quirino was chosen as the hast due to its laudable standing in the implementation of the CMGP Program. With an average of 96 179 and ranking and out of 81 provinces in the country in terms of the overall​

LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 JUDGE ME Showing To You A Sample Newsletter And A Website Assess And Give 5 Commentsrecommendations To Each Screen Shots Based On The Follow class=