
1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
11. It is a factor that affects the growth of an individual wherein the parents pass on their height characteristics to
8. Familial
C. Congenital
D. Hormones
12. What term is used to describe somebody with high weight for-height due to body fat?
A Overweight B. Heavy
C. Obese
D. Wasting
13. What is the most effective way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and
A Breastfeeding B. child massage C. maternal attention D. paternal care
14. These parts of the body allow a person to experience the sounds of everyday life. They are organs that detect
A. Skin
B. ears
C. Hair
D. Spine
15. It gives a person 80% of his or her knowledge of the world around because it can distinguish colors, shaped,
movements, and lights.
A Nails
B. Skin
C. Eyes
D. Ears
16. These are permanently damaged areas on the hard surface of the teeth,
A. Gingivitis
B. Periodontitis
C. Malloclusion
D. Cavities
17. This health problem is characterized by bad breath that originates from the gums and tongue.
A Halitosis
B. Gingivitis
D. Cavities
D. Sore throat
18. Which condition hampers a person's growth due to severe illness, malnutrition, and chronic conditions?
A. Dwarfism
B. Giantism
C. Obesity
D. Stunted Growth