Sagot :
Step 1 : Prepare and use necessary tools and supplies/materials.
●Step 2 : Wash client's hand with lukewarm water and soap, and towel-dry before and after scrubbing.
●Step 3 : Apply appropriate lotion. (By applying lotion, the removal of the hardened paraffin becomes easier)
●Step 4 : Determine and test appropriate temperature for heat tolerance of client.
(Touch the edge of your palm to the melted paraffin to test that the temperature is comfortable for you)
●Step 5 : Soak hands for 4 seconds for 3 consecutive times in wax and wrap with plastic gloves and mittens.
●Step 6 : Allow the paraffin to remain in place for 10 to 15 minutes.
●Step 7 : Remove wax from hands according to manufacturer's instructions.
●Step 8 : Apply hand softening product and massage according to prescribed procedure.
Then You're Done!