
Descriptions Environmental Problems 1. DEFORESTATION A. The extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, or reef, which forms the mineralized package of economic interest to the miner in the absence of land rights, mining license, exploration or mineral transportation permit or of any document that could legitimate the on-going operations, В. It happens when soll and rock are moved from one place to another by wind , water, and gravity 2. FLASH FLOOD 3. ILLEGAL MINING C. The destruction of big areas of forests -4. SOIL EROSION D. A significant problem throughout the world. It has been acknowledged that 27 % of the world's reefs have been affected. 5.. CORAL REEF DEGRADATION E. A sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain. 6. POLLUTION F. Any alteration of the physical chemical, and biological properties of water, air and/or land resources 7. OIL SPILL G. An accidental release of oil into a body of water. as from a tanker​

Descriptions Environmental Problems 1 DEFORESTATION A The Extraction Of Valuable Minerals Or Other Geological Materials From The Earth From An Ore Body Lode Vei class=