6. It is an important tool in deriving your food cost A Standard recipe B. Costing sheet C. Costing principle D. Ingredient costing 7. In the principles of costing, the term used to add in the price cost is called A. Percentage markup B. Item cost C. Selling price 8. The total price paid for a resources used is called A. Mark up B. Food cost C. Selling price D. Buying price 9. is the total amount you pay for the product you bought A. Peso markup B. Percentage markup C. Buying price D. Selling price 10. It is not a cause of accident. A. People themselves B. smoke in the working areas C. keep your work area clean and tidy D. enter and leave the workplace using proper routes 11. These are the common safe work practices EXCEPT one. A. Always look out for hazards 11