
Some Guide Questions in Litery Reading through Linguistic Context: 1. Any unfamiliar words to you? Words that attracted your attention? Any dramatic words'? 2. What nouns are the most prominent? Are these concrete or abstract nouns? What about verbs? Does the author use common words or lolly diction? Are the words short or long? Is there any word that has two or more meanings? 3. Are the sentences in the usual order of subject-predicate? What are the dependent clauses? Independent clauses? If you restructure a sentence or a phrase, would it make a difference? Is the voice active or passive? Is there a rhythm in the sentence structure in relation to the length of the sentences or lines? 4. What literary devices are used? Are there images? Do those images stand for anything aside from their literal meaning? 5. What is the tone? Is the speaker happy about the subject? Is the tone negative or positive"? 6. What is the structure of the text? Is it a narrative? Is it linear or nonlinear? Point of view of the Text? Is it a poem? What type of poem is it? 7. Does the language help in delivering its content? Is there a theme? What is it saying about its subject? How do the literary elements contribute to the effectiveness of the text? 8. What is the text saying about the world in general?​