1. What jar in Ilocos region is used for storage for water, rice grains and as container for salt , brown sugar, basi (local wine) and bagoong (fermented fish)? a. Bumay b. Labba c. Inabel
2. Which of the following is the men's traditional attire among Bontoc people? a. Lufid b. Ikat c. Wanes
3. What amulet from Ifugao symbolizes fertility? a.Bul'ul b. Lingling-o or Dinumug c. Saya
4. The last traditional Kalinga tattoo artist or "mambabatok" who uses a mixture of charcoal and water that is tapped onto the skin through a thom end. a.Bul'ul b. Wang-Od c. Bumay
5. It is a wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits. a. Bul'ul b. Wang-Od c. Inabel