Sagot :
Products or Solutions Found at Home or in Stores;
- 1.) Vinegar
- 2.) Alcohol in water
- 3.) Saltwater
- 4.) Bleach
- 5.) Salt
- 6.) Baking soda
- 7.) Sugar
- 8.) Dishwashing (Is kind of liquid)
- 9.) Toothpaste
- 10.) Coffee
- 1.) Homogeneous or uniform throughout
- 2.) Smaller Amounts of others Subtances
- 3.) Soluble in water
- 4.) Less of Sodium or low Viscosity
- 5.) Sandy in texture
- Leavening properties or agent
- 7.) Solubility control and taste like Sweet
- 8.) Fragrant and Colorful
- 9.) Gritty and Sandy in texture
- 10.) Thick and normal Brown