MAPEH 1. He is known for his famous work "The Four Seasons". A. Palestrina B. De la Halle C. Morley D. Vivaldi 2. Based on Latin Liturgy and uses Neume Notation. B. Gregorian chant C. Madrigal D. Concerto A. Oratorio .A large scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates narratives on religious themes. D. Mass A. Concerto B. Oratorio C. Madrigal *.E 1S the period where opera, cantata, oratorio, concerto, and sonata musical genres were established. B. Renaissance D. Classical A. Medieval C. Baroque 9.A Torm of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra. B. Fugue C. Oratorio D. Chorale A. Concerto O. A musical composition that resembles a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant Church. D. Chorale C. Oratorio A. Concerto B. Fugue 7. It is the period of great building activities in Europe. B. Byzantine C. Greek D. Romanesque A. Roman 8. A statue from the classical era which depicts a man throwing a discus. C. Lysippos D. Praxiteles A. Myron B. Athena Parthenos .1EIS tne most famous and most spectacular example of Byzantine architecture. C. Pantheon D. Colosseum A. Hagia Sophia B. St. Basil's Cathedral 10. Which of these is the first build Gothic cathedral? C. St. Basil D. Hagia Sophia A. Saint Denis B. Chartres 11. Which of the following is an Egyptian architecture? A. Megaliths stone B. Pyramids C. Worcester Cathedral D. The Parthenon 12. This architecture means "Holy Wisdom", a mosque with 108 feet in diameter. A. Parthenon B. The Colosseum C. Hagia Sophia D. Cathedral of Chartres 13. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess ? D. Strength 14. A stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins the end of one bone with another. D. Heat exhaustion A. Balance B. Endurance C. Power A. Sprain B. Strain C. Fracture 15. What do you call the break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone or from repeated stress to the bone over time? A. Sprain B. Strain C. Fracture D. Heat exhaustion 16. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess? A. Fairness C. Punctuality 17. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes? B. Unjust D. All of these A. Genetics B. Jogging8 C. Environment D. Sedentary lifestyle 18. You have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 22. What is your classification? C. Overweight A. Underweight B. Normal D. Obese 19. Which of the following problems reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth? A. Soil erosion B. Oil spill C. Illegal mining D. Deforestation 20. Which is NOT included in the 3Rs of Ecological Waste Management? A. Reduce B. Reproduce 21. Which of these is NOT a symptom of COVID-19? C. Reuse D. Recycle A. Fever B. Cough 22. Which of these DOES NOT belong to the environmental factors affecting health? C. Loss of taste or smell D. Diarrhea A. Physical 23. DOH stands for B. Biological C. Chemical D. Mental A. Domestic Helpers C. Department of Housing D. Development of Health 24. Which of the following programs of the DOH promotes community health? B. Primary Health Care C. Child Health Care 25. The following are agencies working together for community health EXCEPT B. Department of Health A. Maternal Health D. Control of Communicable Diseases A. DepEd B. DOH C. DILG D. DFA