we're killing the earth and that's really "fun" noone believes us because we are young our forests are turning to ash in a second, ask California they'll tell you about it they'll tell you how they have lost all they're homes while Trump turns a blind eye and tweets on his phone.."global warming and expensive little hoax" for the last time..THIS IS NOT A JOKE our factories are working and toxins emmiting our ozone is crumbling and we won't stop putting chemicals ain't what were trying to breath our future is stolen..,AND WE ARE THE THIEVES ZEROS ARE RISING AND ICEBERGS ARE MELTING the corals are dying,,...AND NO ONE IS HELPING DO YOU REALIZE TO KEEP THE OCEANS ALIVE?! this started back in 1985.. DON'T COME TO ME WHEN YOUR CHILD CAN'T THINK OF WHAT A TIGER IS CUZ THEY'RE EXTINCT don't cry to me when your fur coat ain't clean, the endangered list is now 41,416...
dear 2045..i don't think we're gonna survive...and if you end up hearing this story..i just wanna say...