Sagot :
The color wheel is essentially the visible spectrum of colors wrapped in a circle and it is a useful tool which helps explain what happens when we mix our paints together.
the color wheel itself is not actually that important (other than the obvious historical and scientific significance). What is more important is the theory behind the color wheel. Once you understand this and the basic relationships between colors, then the color wheel itself becomes nothing more than a visual prompt for your color mixing.
This post will be a guide on the artist's color wheel to help you understand what it is and how you can use it. Towards the end of this post I also show you how to make your own color wheel.
Limitations Of The Color Wheel
Here are some of the limitations of the standard color wheel:
It does not take into account white and black (as noted above).
It does not take into account color saturation.
The color wheel is not a perfect science, especially in painting. For example, the primary colors of red, blue and yellow are not actually able to mix the full visible spectrum of colors as the color wheel suggests. Instead, you should treat the color wheel merely as a guide to assist with your color mixing.