
2. How do a persons limitition's and possibilities for transcendence relate to each other?​

Sagot :


Limitations allow us an opportunity to examine our-selves within our environment (I intentionally used a dash and will get back to it). If we had endless possibilities to create or do whatever it was we wanted, who or what would we be doing and creating for? Other people, the collective whole or some self we created? Probably a self, a perception lens that has a need of fulfillment. But that self, that need and that lens is not who we really are.

So, by experiencing limitations and resistance, we have an opportunity to examine a self (a component of our ego) in a way that makes it feel very real and very oppositional to what we (the perception lens) want to experience for reality. The ego creates a method of control but we aren't able to control it, so we instead can begin to break through it or see it isn't real.

There are two ways this can go:

1. We can transcend the limitation or more simply put, we can examine why we are reacting, thinking, feeling or identifying a certain way and let it go. We can make a different choice and move on to another possibility beyond black and white contrasts (or cognitive distortions).

2 .We can blame other people or ideas and this is what the vast majority of people do. Instead of examining our own imbalances, we project our imbalances onto others or we spend time picking through other peoples imbalances instead of recognizing we have an oppositional frame of reference. We can see this playing out in 2020 US politics, the media and hate groups that cause further divisions. And from my perspective, none of these groups, politicians and media outlets are actually bringing people of differing ideas together they are mearly pushing their own realities, narratives and blame on others. It is a limitation that needs transcending.

So, everything we experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. From this we can begin transcending many illusions. However, it is very difficult to break through our many selves and layers that build a complex personality structure and egoic view of ourselves and the world at large. But it becomes much easier to see our own unreality when we begin to recognize that the world does not happen to us, we actually create our own worlds. And to see this as truth takes a whole hell of a lot of limitations

I hope it helps