
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Identify what is being described. Choose
the letter of your best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. It was originally used in visual and literary arts and was probably first
applied to music in 1918.
a. Expressionism
c. Neo-Classicism
b. Impressionism
d. Primitivism
_2. It adopted a modern, free use of the seven-note diatonic scale.
a. Expressionism
c. Neo-Classicism
b. Impressionism
d. Primitivism
_3. His works are defined with intricate and sometimes modal melodies
and extended chordal components.
a. Bela Bartok
c. John Cage
b. Claude Debussy
d. Maurice Ravel
4. A seven-part opera for a gigantic ensemble of solo voices, solo
instruments, solo dancers, choirs, orchestras, mimes, and electronics.
A. Gruppen
C. Licht (Light)
B. Hymnen
D. Kontakte
5. The following are features of Expressionistic music, EXCEPT?
a. angular melodies with wide leaps
b. constant changing of textures
c. "distorted" melodies and harmonies
d. an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it.
6. The following are the features of Impressionist music. Which does not
belong to the groupe
a. constant changing of textures
b. an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it
c. New combinations of extended chords, harmonies, whole tone, chromatic scales,
and pentatonic scales emerged.
d. The use of “color”, or in musical terms, timbre, which can be achieved through orchestra, harmonic usage, texture, etc.
7. Which of the following musical equipment
a. Cassette Disk
b. Cassette Tape
C. MP4
d. Musique Concrete
8. Who is a French-bom composer who created the music Poème ctronic
a. Claude Debussy
b. Edgard Varese
C. George Gershwin
d. Sergei Prokofieff
9. Who was the target audience of Prokofieff's Peter and the Wolf
a. grandparents
c. teachers
b. parents
d. young children
10. What kind of musical style is attributed to Schoenberg and Stravinsky
a. Expressionism
c. Neo Classicism
b. Impressionism
d. Primitivism
11. It refers to an ambitious two-hour work of 40 juxtaposed songs and anthems from around the world.
a. Gruppen
b. Hymen
c. Kontakte
d. Verklarte Nacht
12 Which of the following roters to a set of books containing progressive technical piano pieces
a. Bolero
c. Polleaset Melisande
b. Mikrokosmos
d. Sonatine for Piano
13. Who inspired Bela Bartok to write his first nationalistic poem, Kossuth in 1903?
a. Francis Poulenc
b. Leonard Bernstein
c. Richard Strauss
d. Sergei Prokofieff
14. It is a musical work that instructs the pianist to merely open the piano lid and remain silent for the length of time indicated by the title.
a. (1'33")
c. (3'33")
b. (2'33")
d. (433)
15. Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number
a. 11
b. 12
C. 13
d. 14​

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