C - if the statement speaks of the church as CATHOLIC
D - if the statement speaks of the church as APOSTOLIC
1. the church is all- embracing
2. the faithful Share the same Faith
3. the unity of the church rests on her founder, Jesus Christ who came to save and unify the whole Huan race
4. the church shines forth as a people made one with the unity of the father, the son, and the holy spirit
5. the members of the church are bond together to a social unity by participating in the same means of grace, like sacraments
6. Christ who is the way to salvation, sanctifies the church and in the power of the holy spirit, makes the church the sign and instruments of holiness by her teaching, prayer and worship, and good works
7. the church teaches holy doctrines according to the will of Christ
8. the church is a church of sinners, not a self- righteous and self- assured members
9. the church has produced countless saints and martyrs
10. the purpose of the church is the glorification of God and sanctification of the members
11. the deposit of faith found in the sacred Scripture and sacred tradition is handed on by the original witnesses of Christ to their successors
12. the apostles fulfilled the mandate given by Christ
13. "go and make disciple of all nations.
14. the early community in Jerusalem became the embryo of the mission in the Judea and Samaria
15. the church challenges us to reach out to others, even to those who belong to other faith, to be open to then in the true spirit of ecumenism.