ws. Put a check (/) on the blank is the statement is true and cross (X) is the as conductors direct a choir, ensemble, band, and orchestra thrown arm movements that or repertoire of the group 2. In conducting a composition with complete measures the first best is always the up beat 3. Conductors give preparatory beat prior to the starting of a musical piece 4. The purpose of conducting is to keep the whole orchestra, choir, and band coordinates, participating musicians will start and stop at the right time through the cue of the condus 5. The counting pattern for 1 time signature is 1, 2 6. Time signature in music has a unique conducting pattern 7. The counting pattern for 2 time signature is 1,2,3,4, 8. In time signature, there are six beats in a measure and an enth note gets one best. 9. In conducting time signature, the first beat is the down best 10. The counting pattern for time signature is 1,2,3,4,5,6,