Lilybethantonio53go Lilybethantonio53go Technology and Home Economics Answered 1. a discussion in order to find ideas in solving a problem or issue b a r i n s t r o m i g n2. making plans for something g l n a n i p n 3. investigating a specific problem, concern, or issue using the scientific method r s e a c r h n i g 4. the activity of making coherent words and composing sentencesr i t n i g w5. checking of information that you need to add, change, or remove e r s i n g v i6. checking of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation marks e t i n g d i7. encoding or writing a final paper for publicationl i s h i n g p u b[tex]answer \: [/tex]1. brainstorming2. planning 3. researching4. writing5. revising6. editing7. publishing