ACTIVITY 2: SELF-ASSESSMENT Direction: Read the following statements carefully and put a check mark ( on the statements that apply to you. 1. 9. I spend quality time with I engage in physical activities family, friends, and others in for at least 30 minutes my social circle. several days a week. 2. 10. I try to eat vegetables and I engage in physical activities fruits as much as I can. that challenge my heart rate. 3 11. I take note of what food labels I do not stress myself about schoolwork deadlines, say. 4. 12 I make sure I have my own I do not easily fall for fads and hypes on TV about fitness, personal time health, and nutrition. 5. 13. I have a first aid kit handy and I take care of the I know how to use it. environment by doing smell deeds such as throwing my trash into trash bin. 6. 14. I always find time to do I do warm-up stretching and leisure activities, cooling down exercises. 7. 15. I manage my time well, I assess my physical fitness allotting ample time for awalan