2. Check with the PPE manufacturer to determine if the products can be used on yo
particular set of gear.
3. Check PPE if it is still in good condition or need to replace or for mending.
4. Leave the PPE for at least 20 minutes in cold water.
5. Prepare clean water in a basin for sanitizing.
6. Sanitizing is a method to eliminate or destroy microorganisms
7. Keep the PPE in a wet place.
8. Sanitizing PPE is a way to ensure safety and health in the production of food.
9. Soak PPE in the soapy water for sanitizing.
10. Item to be sanitized must first be washed properly before it can be p
11. When using any equipment, tool or device it is important to read and unc
manufacturer's specifications in order to properly or accurately use.
12. Being familiar with all information pertaining to food processing equipmer
systematic, orderly and accurate accomplishment of tasks.
13. Knowing the parts and functions of equipment, tools and utensils
processing food
ensures accurate or proper use, operation and care for them.
14. There are four basic parts of refrigerator.
15. Proper maintenance for the parts of any tool, equipment and utensilc
done if a processor is familiar with them