11. A line that manifest movement, action and direction. a. Horizontal lines b. vertical lines c. diagonal lines d. curved lines
12. This is an important element of visual arts because all painters, sculpture and architects use a spring board their finished products a. Lines b. horizontal lines c. diagonal and straight lines d. curved and contrasting lines
13. A classification of colors that is situated next to each other in the color wheel. a. analogous b. split c. triadic d. adjacent
14. The following are classified as cool colors except: a. violet b. yellow c. green d. blue
15. A color that connotes serenity, sadness, peace and masculinity a. yellow b. green c. green d. black
16. In making a painting, we apply this element for the brightness or dullness of a color. a. texture b. intensity C. variety d. balance
17. It is defined as the empty space between the shapes or the background. a. positive space b. negative space C. symmetrical d. asymmetrical