1. which of the following is not a cardinal virtue? a. Prudence b. Justice c. Fortitude d. Decision 2.______ is connected to the idea of rights a. Consequences b. Justice c. Freedom d. Decision 3.Which among the following is not a virtue of prudence. a. Prudence is the knowledge of how to act, how to conduct one's life rightly. b. It shows with certitude and authority how the will ought to provoke. c. Prudence discerns the mean or measure of moral virtues. d. It serves a man in the concrete and individual situations that make up his daily life. 4.allows us to overcome fear and to remain steady in our will in the face of obstacles a. Prudence b. Justice c. Fortitude d. Decision 5. "Right reason applied to practice." a. Recta ratio agibiluim b. El um varecae c. Eudaimonia d. Phronesis