
As a Financial Management student and a future leader/manager, what are the qualities that you need to possess in order to be a virtuous head of an organization?

Sagot :


Integrity – Virtuous leaders are authentic and lead by example. You know who they are because they act in a way consistent with their espoused values and standards. Their employees know they will always choose the moral high ground over the quick buck or limelight.

Collaborative – Virtuous leaders build a coalition of support. They strive to achieve the goal of the team or organization rather than their own self-interest. They empower those around them to accomplish more than they may have even dreamed they could. Their employees know they are part of their team.

Humility – Virtuous leaders aren’t looking for the spotlight, rather they know they are only successful when those around them succeed. They recognize those around them. Their employees know they are making a difference.

Accountability – Virtuous leaders hold themselves to the same standards they hold for those on their team. They look for ways to improve their own performance and examine feedback. Their employees know that they will be held to fair and firm expectations.