8. The social sciences, namely, sociology, anthropology and political science, developed as a result of the development of modern society. What are the basic goals of sociology, anthropology and political science?
a. Study of human interaction in its society b. Focus on the narrative of democracy C. Locates all societies in the linear of evolutionary process d. Socio politics
9. The relationship between sociology and anthropology is socio cultural which explain that
a. Both social science attempt to understand the way of life of various cultures or various societies b. Both social sciences are interested in the study of social issues C. Both are related to humanities d. The emphasis of sociology is on society and social processes, while that anthropology is on culture
10. The evolutionary concept of cultures describe society and culture as a complex whole which means
a. Culture was seen as evolving from primitive to civilized form, from simple to sophisticated b. Culture is the social change of a society that is transmitted to each generation c. Culture is most evident in the invention and innovations as well as in peoples ability to learn from the group they belong d. Culture represents the designs or recipes for living norms - and roles
11. An aspect of culture that describe in the form of habits, skills, values and knowledge which constitute during the course of his/her life, not transmitted genetically.
a. Dynamic, Flexible and Adaptive c. Shared and contested b. Culture is cumulative d. Learned through socialization and enculturation
12. Aspect of Culture pertain to traits making up that culture are not just a random assortment of custom but are mostly adjusted to or consistent with one another.
a. Integrated and time stable c. Culture gratifies human needs b. Culture is shared and transmitted d. Requires language and other forms of communication
13. The acquired learning of culture is passed on to succeeding generations primarily through language and symbolic means of communication are utilized.
a. Culture is ideational b. Transmitted through socialization and enculturation C Dynamic, Flexible and Adaptive d. Patterned social interaction
14. The culture of any society is the people's adjustment to the various conditions of life which include their physical, social and supernatural environment that is why culture is explosively in the aspect of
a. Integrated and Time stable c. Dynamic, Flexible and Adaptive b. Transmitted through socialization/ enculturation d. Shared and contested
15. Through the ages, the people in any given place are able to retain certain features of their culture that are significant to their relationship and interaction with their fellow human beings this is in the aspect of
a. Patterned social interaction c. Dynamic, Flexible and Adaptive b. Integrated and Time stable d. Shared and contested