
What are the strategies you will use or apply to overcome the obstacles?​

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However, when faced with challenges in your life, here are 7 tips I've learned to overcome obstacles:

Don't complain. People don't want to hear woe is me over and over again, especially if you do nothing about it. ...

Face it head on. ...

Stay positive. ...

Be realistic. ...

Don't try to out-do people. ...

Emotional side. ...

Break it down.

When faced with challenges in your life, here are 7 tips I’ve learned to overcome obstacles:

1. Don’t complain. People don’t want to hear woe is me over and over again, especially if you do nothing about it. However, do ask for help and for suggestions from others that may have been in similar situations. You have to be willing to help yourself. People can’t do it for you.

2. Face it head on. Don’t beat around the bush. If you are having an issue, do something about it. Burying it does nothing but eat away at you. Don’t know what to do? Seek counseling. Many companies provide free counseling services as a part of your HR package. Try something. If that doesn’t work, try something else. Do anything but the same thing that previously didn’t work.

3. Stay positive. When you are worried about something it’s hard to stay positive, but think about the good things that could come from the difficult decision you have to make or the hard conversation you have to have.

4. Be realistic. Realize you may not get the outcome you want, but rather we sometimes get what we need. Do you have some growing to do before you get what you want? Sometimes the timing isn’t right because there is something better and we just need to be patient.

5. Don’t try to out-do people. When someone expresses that they are struggling, don’t come back with, “You think that’s hard… let me tell you my story.” Everyone has had something hard in their life. It’s fine to let them know you can relate, but be helpful with your comments and stories.

6. Emotional side. When dealing with others, we sometimes forget that there is more than just the logical side. Most people make decisions because of emotions whether they believe it or not. Past experiences or fears can play a part. Sometimes in order to remove the obstacle you have to digger deeper into the real reasons for objections and overcome that issue first.

7. Break it down. Always keep in mind the end objective. Sometimes the bigger obstacle has smaller obstacles to overcome. When thinking about challenges, break them down and tackle them in smaller pieces.