Activity 2: Stepping Ahead
Directions: Read the descriptions below and identify specific characteristic under
fluency, tone, cohesion and correctness. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet.
A. Fluency
B. Tone
C. Cohesion
D. Correctness
1. shows mastery of the topic discussed
2. speaks spontaneously and confidently
3. presents clear purpose of the speech
4. presents factual and well-detailed information
5. presents information free from grammatical errors
_6. pronounces the words, intonation, juncture correctly
_7. uses highness, lowness of voice to emphasize a point
8. presents information in logical, mature, and well-developed ideas
9. speaks in a loud, clear and relaxed voice at an appropriate rate
of speech
10. uses correct diction or choice of words specific for theaudience