
Physical Education
1. Which of the following components of fitness is defined as the ability of the muscle to rent merkmal
effort in a brief duration
a. Speed
b. Flexibility
c. Muscle Strength
2. Which among the following components is not a Health-Related Fitness?
di Cardiorespiratory endurance
a.Body Composition
b. Muscular Strength c. Reaction Time
3. It is the ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion
d. Flexibility
a Speed
b. Flexibility
c. Muscle Strength d. Cardiorespiratory endurance
4. is defined as the condition in which an Individual has enough energy to avoid fatigue and enjoylife
a fitness b. physical changes c. physical education d. physical health
5. Which of the following components of fitness is defined as the ability to stay in equilibrium in relation
to changes in body position.
a. Balance
b. power
c. speed
d. agility
6. Which among the following components is not a skill-Related Fitness?
a agility
b. speed
с power
d. flexibility
7. It is a health related components defined as the ability of an individual to quickly shift or change
direction of the body from one point to the other
b. speed
c. power
a agility
d. flexibility
8. Is a test of flexibility for the lower extremities particularly the hamstring.
b. curl-up
c. zipper test d. sit and reach
The quality or state of being healthy in body and mind especially as the result of deliberate effort
d. fitness
a. sit and reach
a wellness
c health
10 is a test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength I endurance
assessment of the region.
sit and reach
zipper test
d. sit and reach
b. curl-up​