Efrellejoycedgo Efrellejoycedgo Science Answered True or False men pakisagot namn16. The younger layers of the sedimentary always accumulates at the top of the layers according to the principle of superposition. 17. In relative dating, scientists record the radioactive decay of elements in rocks. 18. The cut rock layers are younger than the rock that cuts across them. 19. The half-life of a radioactive decay process is the time taken for half the original parent atoms to decay. 20. The geologic time scale is the calendar for events in Earth's history. 21. Paleogene Period gives rise to early primates. 22. Surface faulting occurs with shallow earthquakes. 23. A volcanic eruption occurs when magma is released from a volcano. 24. A hazard can be a disaster if it destroys lives. 25. Taal Volcano is considered as the most active volcano in our country.