
Answer the following each question and write your answer in the space provided. 1. The quotient is 5. The divisor is 100. Give the dividend.
2. How many 10's are there in 330
3. What will be the quotient if 700 is divided by 50
4. In 900-10. What is the answer
5. The quotient is 9, the dividend is 9000, what is the divisor
6. The dividend is 5000 and the devisor is 500, what is the qoutient?
7. How many 100's are there in 4,500 8. The qoutient is 25 and the dividend is 500, what is the divisor?
9. in 500 devided by 100. What is the qoutient?
10. How many 20's are there in 2.000 ​