winter dark comma early mixing afternoon and night. soon , there's a comma of a moon, and each stretligth along the way put ots period to the end of the day now aneon sign punctuates the dark with a brigthn blinking breathless exclamation mark
1.what figuration is used in the line "Winter darks come aerly"? a.herpelbole b.methapor c.personification d.simile
2.the peot probably compares the moon to a comma because of its________ a.color b.shape c.size d.texture
3.what figure language is used in the line ,"there'sa comma of moon"? a.erpelbole b.methapor c.personification d.simile
4.the poet probably associates streetligth with periods to suggest that streetligth_________. a.are too dim to be exclamation point b.signal that something has ended d.represent a change in activity
5.which of the following punctuation nark below is not mentioned in the poam to compare the different sources of ligth ? a.apostrophe b.comma c.exclamation point d.period