
3. Research the Philippine law and find the double standard regarding the marriage for men and women in the Philippines.​

Sagot :


Individuals must be at least 21 years old to get married in the Philippines without written parental consent. If your parents cannot appear with you before the local civil registrar, a legal affidavit with the signatures of two witnesses may be accepted. Five possible explanations for the double standard in sexual behavior were described and tested against survey data on 386 Filipino husbands. It was discovered that those husbands who advocated the double standard were no more traditional than other husbands, nor any wealthier, nor any more authoritarian. Instead, they were in between the most traditional and the most modern husbands, and in addition tended to have developed closer bonds with male friends. The hypotheses that the double standard is a steppingstone between tradition and modernity and that it results from the strength of homosocial bonds were each partially supported.