Sagot :
Disasters have always been a result of human interaction with nature, technology
and other living entities. Sometimes unpredictable and sudden, sometimes slow and
lingering, various types of disasters continually affect the way in which we live our
daily lives. Human beings as innovative creatures have sought new ways in which to
curb the devastating effects of disasters. However, for years human conduct
regarding disasters has been reactive in nature. Communities, sometimes aware of
the risks that they face, would wait in anticipation of a disastrous event and then
activate plans and procedures. Human social and economic development has further
contributed to creating vulnerability and thus weakening the ability of humans to
cope with disasters and their effects.
Disasters impede human development. Gains in development are inextricably linked
to the level of exposure to disaster risk within any given community. In the same
light, the level of disaster risk prevalent in a community is linked to the
developmental choices exerted by that community (UNDP, 2004). The link between
disasters and development is well researched and documented. The fact that
disasters impact on development (e.g. a school being washed away in a flood) and
development increases or decreases the risk of disasters (e.g. introducing
earthquake-resistant building techniques) is widely accepted. Yet, every year Africa
suffers disaster losses which set back development and leave our communities living
in a perpetual state of risk.
Africa has come a long way since the global arena emphasised the need for multi-
stakeholder disaster risk reduction rather than continuing the unsustainable cycle of
disaster management. The 2000s saw a number of declarations, policies, strategies,
plans and programmes developed. Yet very little real implementation of the above is
evident on the African continent, despite a number of inter-regional and high-level
discussions and forms of collaboration.
The following module will introduce you to the field of disaster risk reduction. The first
part of the module will focus on defining the basic, but most important, terms in
relation to disaster studies. The different elements of disaster risk management will
enjoy attention, and how these different elements contribute to our understanding
and better management of risk and disasters will be explained. Different types of