1. When you do the push-up test, it develops the strength and endurance. A. lower B. middle C. upper D. whole 2. Which physical activity will test your flexibllity? A. curl-ups B. push-ups C. step test D. zipper test 3. Which physical activity will help strengthen your abdomen? A. curl-ups B. push-ups C. step test D. zipper test 4. Which of the following physical activities measure the cardio-vascular endurance ? A. curl-Ups B. push-ups C. step test D. zipper test 5. What physical activity measures both strength and flexibility A. curl-ups B. push-ups C. sit and reach D. zipper test 6. Which of these physical activities will help increase our body's flexibility? A. curl-ups B. push-ups C. sit and reach D. zipper test 7. Sit and reach is a test to measure the ___ of the lower back and hamstring. A. endurance B. flexibility C. stamina D. strength 8. Curl-ups test will measure the C. legs D. skeletal 9. A three-minute step test will help measure the A. muscular B. cardio-vascular _10. Does regular participation to physical activities help A.NO because it requires effort and physical exhaustion/fatigue/drain improve one's physical fitness? Why? B. YES because after the physical activity I can eat without limit. c . yes because regular exercise promotes good health stamina and endurance d. yes because i can sleep well