EVALUATION DIRECTIONS: Identify what figure of speech is used. Write simile, metaphor, personification or hyperbole. __________ 1. “Deep inside the soil, my roots are found; drinking the water underground” __________ 2.”Oh, spare that aged ash, now towering to the skies” __________ 3. “Losing her dog, she cried a flood of tears; that lasted so long for years” __________ 4. “Wake from thy nest, Robin Redbreast! To me you are the best” __________ 5. Her words stabbed my heart. __________ 6. The condemned man is like a beast lead the slaughter. __________ 7. My love is deep as the sea that flows forever. __________ 8. The whirlwind is a wicked mischievous witch. __________ 9. Her prayers reached the stars. __________ 10. A wicked tongue can break a bone