
Directions. Read and understand the statements very well. Answer what is asked by choosing your best response. Write the lemer of your answer in your answer sheet. 2 This is one of the products of trees mode from fiber and honested from wood pulp. a. paper b. rubber c. turpentine dwood 2. Processed wood from planted trees that is used to construct houses for men and animals. a. lumber b. poper c. pulp a. rubber 3. are erect plants with single woody stem and it plays a very important role in our ecological balance. o.flower b. shrub c. tree d. vine 4. Trees take in from factories and motorized vehicle emissions. a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen C. soil erosion d. sulfur dioxide 5. The root system of the trees holds water in the soil that prevents a. carbon dioxide b. noise pollution C.soil erosion d. strong winds​