Write TRUE if the statement bears the truth. If false, replace the underlin with another word to make the statement true. 11. The word "image" came from the Latin word "imago" whic any item that depicts visual perception, such as a photograph or othe dimensional picture, resembling an object. 12. Non-print images include printed photographs and images magazines, newspapers and books. 13. Print images can be digital images available for viewing in devices such as mobile phones, television and computers. 14. Real images are pictures which depict visuals of objects or happenings that exist in real life. 15. These real images are also known as non-fact images 16. Make-believe images are pictures which illustrate somethin not real. 17. Fact images may have some realistic features, they are just of imagination, thus, do not exist in real life. 18. Examples of images that educate are images of fantasy w magical creatures. File created by theteacherscraft2020vco 19. Examples of images that persuade are some editorial carto express opinions through caricatures and visual symbols. 20. A picture is worth a thousand words.