
hof would you know if the length wise and cross wise yarns cross each other at exact right angle the fabric is grain perfect?
A. by a grain perfect
B. by seamline
C.by a grainline
D. by a stitch line
how will you make the fabric prevent from falling and be more resistant to movement?
a. the arrow must be in the same direction as the length and parallel to the selvage
b. the arrow must be parallel to the selvage
c. the arrow must be pointed out to the selvage
d. the arrow must along the selvage
which fabric is made of crosswise and lengthwise thread?
a. woven fabric
b. cotton fabric
c. fabric
d. parallel fabric
which construction marking that marks the beginning and end and the arrow which way to fold the fabric?
A. notches
c. center fold
d. pleat
which pattern indicate the edge and must be place in the folded part of the fabric?
a. notches b. pleat c. dots d.center fold
why do we over lock the row edge of the fabric?
a.to prevent from ravelling
b. to add aesthetic sense
c. for security
d. to save fibers​