Sagot :
Waves are all over the place. If we accept it or not, we experience waves every day. Sound waves, visible waves of light, radio waves , microwaves, waves of water, sine waves, cosine waves, waves of stadium, Forms of earthquake, string forms and slinky waves are only a few examples of our everyday experiences with the ocean. In addition to waves, our physical world contains a variety of phenomena that so closely resembles waves that we can describe such a phenomenon as being wavelike.
The motion of a pendulum, the motion of a spring-suspended mass, the motion of a child on a swing, and the hand wave "Hello, Good Morning!" can be considered as wavelike phenomena. Waves (and wavelike fantasies) are everywhere!
Waves are in Nature everywhere. Once we understand the existence, properties and actions of waves, our comprehension of the physical world is complete. This unit's goal is to create mental wave models and eventually apply those models to an understanding of the two most popular wave forms-sound waves and light waves.
Brainliest if helped cuz yes