
Surice und write the chosen letter ON THE BLANK BEFORE THE NUMBER. 7 The strends that weave through the spoles and are lighter thinner, and more Hexible to enable them to be woven in and out A spokes B weavers Cweaving basketry 2 These are the strands that stand upnght and for the side supports of the basket and are much stiffer and stronger than the weavers A weaving B weavers C spokes D technioue 3 Weaving a basket has five basic techniques EXCEPT A coiling B. French knots Ctwining French randing and chasing 4. Which ofthe following is an example of coiling stitch? A open stitch B over one under one C spiral stitch D tour chevron 5 in pictures shown below, which of the following does NOT belong to the steps in stako ard strand? 6 Over one under one, over two under two, over three under three, and over four under four are examples of A twining B plaiting C. coiling D. stake and strand 7 This technique refers to two or more flexible weaving elements or weavers cross each other as they weave through the stiffer radial spokes A weaver B spokes C twining Dranding 8. Your TLE teacher asked you to demonstrate in class the steps in French ranang and chasing if you really know the correct erder of the steps in French randing and chasing then arrange the steps listed below. 1 Chasing Two rounds are worked at once. Lower weaver moves four spokes ahead, upperweaver catches up 2. Weave the first loop of the materials 3. Randing Each round is worked by itself 4 Weave the second loop 5. Weave it inside the second, over the third, and so on. A I, II, IV, IV B. HIV.VN C.M.V.Jul. D111,11.11. V 9 This is the easiest basketry technique used and is usually employed for softer matenals such as grasses. A coiling B plating C bwining D. wicker 10. This method or technique allows the use of a wide range of matenals as long as they are flexible enough for the wait and rigid enough for the warp A stake and strand B plaiting C. coiling D twining​