Sagot :
What are the changes that occurred burning tire?
- depending on the length and degree of exposure, these health effects could include irritation of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, respiratory effects, central nervous system depression, and cancer. firefighters and others working near a large tire fire should be equipped with respirators and dermal protection.
What does burning tires do to the environment?
- the three main effects tire burning has on the environment is air, water, and soil pollution. the airborne pollution caused from the tire burning kilns is significant. the black fumes contain heavy metals and other harmful pollutants that linger in the air and can lead to acute to chronic health hazards.
What happens when you burn rubber tires?
- burning rubber releases thick black smoke that stays in the air for long periods of time. the smoke contains several toxic pollutants, including carbon monoxide, cyanide, sulphur dioxide, butadiene, and styrene names that spell danger for the environment and public health.
What causes a tire to catch fire?
- there are a lot of different reasons a brake can drag and cause a tire fire, including the driving with the parking brake applied, brakes adjusted too tightly, drivers not turning on air valves, a failed parking brake chamber diaphragm not compressing the spring completely, brakes not releasing after a brake application.
hope it's help.