
Identify the musical term used in the lowland luzon music

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1. Melody/pitch organization - is a succession of sounds (pitches) and silences moving through time; horizontal structure of music (aspects, directions, range)

2. Rhythm - refers to all durations of sounds; and silences in time (beat, rhythmic pattern, meter).

3.Texture - is the thinness and thickness of musical sounds of single or more than one melodic lines sounding simultaneously (monophonic, polyphonic, homophonic, heterophonic).

4. Harmony - is the simultaneous of two or more pitches; the vertical structure of music moving through time and supporting the melody. (some music does not have the element of harmony) Harmony can also be under the element of texture. ● Expressive Qualities are those qualities (dynamic, tempo, timbre) that combined with other musical elements (melody, rhythm texture, timbre) that combined with other musical elements (melody, rhythm, texture and form) give a composition its unique musical identity.

5. Dynamics – loudness and softness of music.

6. Tempo – speed of the musical sounds and silences.

7. Timbre – tone quality of sound – producing instruments object or voice.