What I Have Learned Activity 3: Generalization Short Story The Apprentice by : Odun Balogun had been illustrious rulers of the land, until the coming of the colonialists who Ogunmola's family used to be rulers. His grandfather and great grandfather changed everything and decided that his father could not rule as they wish. This and the family fell from grace. Repelled by the white man's wickedness to his family, decision by the colonialists meant that Ogunmola's father did not become an Oba they who had whose lives had been lived for the people, Ogunmola shunned the white man's education, considering it to be a way of acceding to them. As an apprentice, he was caught between two master craftsmen, Omotola and Omataiye. Sacked by Omotaiye for not working as he had been thought but rather working on designs of Omotola, the latter received him only to charge him for similar accusations. Thus, they each accused him of not letting go off the other's skills when all he wanted was to be unique. Ogunmola is like Africa whose shores were flooded by the invaders who would not let it decide its own future, who would not let it be free to exhibit its unique traits or to decide its development path. But who would be influenced by people of doubtful capabilities and with second class degrees from all over the world, compounding an already complex problem in the process.