A. How is the work's structure unified? B. How do various elements of the work reinforce its meaning? C. What recurring patterns (repeated or related words, images, etc.) can you find? D. What is the effect of these pattems or motifs? E. How does repetition reinforce the theme(s)? F. How does the writer's diction reveal or reflect the work's meaning? G. What is the effect of the plot, and what parts specifically produce that effect? H. What figures of speech are used? (metaphors, similes, etc.) 1. Note the writer's use of paradox, irony, symbol, plot, characterization, and style of narration J. What effects are produced? Do any of these relate to one another or to the theme? K. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story? L. What tone and mood are created at various parts of the work? M. How does the author create tone and mood? What relationship is there between tone and mood and the effect of the story? N. How do the various elements interact to create a unified whole?