I.identify the "R" that is described in each number. Write Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Repair and Recover on the space provided for.
_____1.It means using the same material again for similar purpose _____2. It means fixing slightly broken things to make them useful again. _____3. It means lessening the amount of trash. _____4. It means getting energy from trash. _____5. It means changing old products into new ones so they can be resold.
II. Put a (/) mark on the statement that tells about the 5Rs of waste management and cross (x) mark if it does not tell about the SRs of waste management,
____6. Donating unwanted clothes and toys. ____7. Use paper bags and throwing them away after using them only once. ____8. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries for our gadgets. ____9. Throw away slightly broken things that can still be repaired. ____10. Use a cloth bag when you go shopping for grocerles