Sagot :
-Say ‘no’ to a plastic shopping bag when you only have a couple of items
-Choose products that use less packaging
-Use old jars for storage
-Use plastic containers for freezing or storing food items
-The main products that can be recycled are paper, cardboard, glass, aluminium, tin and plastic containers.
-Composting and worm farms are methods of recycling organic waste.
-Recover of waste without any pre-processing. For example, waste oils that cannot be refined for reuse in vehicles can be burnt for energy recovery
-Recovering the energy from waste oil reduces our dependence on coal and imported oil.
-This is the last option when waste cannot be used in any other way. Usually, this means sending rubbish to a landfill. Residual disposal of liquid waste is normally into a sewer or septic tank.
-It is very important to manage residual solid and liquid waste properly. Waste not disposed of correctly can cause damage to health and the environment.