
1. It is defined as a brief statement that presents the most important points of an original material. *
A. Paraphrasing
B. Summary
C. Precis
D. Main Idea
2. It refers to the central point that the author is trying to communicate with his/her work.
A. Paraphrasing
B. Summary
C. Precis
D. Main Idea
3. It refers to restating someone else’s work or idea in your own words at roughly the same level of details. *
A. Summary
B. Main Idea
C. Paraphrasing
D. Precis
4. It refers to important pieces of evidence, reasons, examples and explanations that support the main idea. *
A. Key Information
B. Precis
C. Main Idea
D. Summary
5. The sentence, “He is thin as a stick “, is an example of? *
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Analogy
D. Personification
6. “Life is a wonderful journey”. *
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Analogy
D. Personification
B. Directions: Read carefully each passage. Choose the most appropriate paraphrase. Choose the correct answer.
7. Home Sweet Home! There’s no place like home. *
A. Home is the best place to stay.
B. However humble your home is, there is no better place like home
C. There is no better than the house where you are born.
D. There are sweeter places where one can stay.
8. If life has to have a meaning, it has to be spent for others. *
A. Our meaning in life lies on how much we have contributed to the happiness, welfare, and well-being of others.
B. We live for others.
C. Man is made to live with others.
D. We live in the service of our fellowmen.
9. Be silent always when you doubt your senses. *
A. Always keep quiet so as not to disturb your senses.
B. Always be quiet when you are not sure of what to say.
C. Keep quiet.
D. Hold your tongue.
C. Directions: Complete the following analogies by supplying the correct word/words.
10. Policeman is to crime as doctor is to _________________. *
A. illness
B. nurse
C. stethoscope
D. patient
11. Hunger is to eat as thirst is to ___________________. *
A. food
B. cup
C. milk
D. drink
12. Scissors is to cut as ax is to ___________________. *
A. chop
B. burn
C. tree
D. sharpen
13. Artist is to draw as movie star is to ___________________. *
A. cry
B. dance
C. act
D. teach
14. Black out is to pass out as back out is to___________________. *
A. get behind
B. recall
C. withdraw
D. resign
15. Nice is to kind as pretty is to___________________. *
1 point
A. ugly
B. beautiful
C. smart
D. honest