a. The ability of liquid to change color. b. The ability of something to dissolve in a liquid
c. The time it takes for something to settle at the bottom of a liquid. d. The speed of pouring a liquid out of a container. 2. A greater amount of sugar will dissolve in warm water than in cold
water. What factor affects the sugar’s solubility?
a. Temperature of solvent
b. Amount of solute
c. Nature of solute
d. Manner of stirring
3. Which of the following does not affect the solubility of solid solutes?
a. Volume of solvent
b. Stirring
c. Temperature
d. Amount of solvent
4. A gram of salt can be dissolved in 100 ml of water. What factors
affect the solubility?
a. Amount of solute
b. Amount of solvent
c. Size of solute
d. Manner of stirring
5. Choose the correct statement. a. A 100 ml water can dissolve a 1 tablespoon of sugar. b. Any quantity of sugar can be dissolved in a given volume of
water. c. A given volume of solvent dissolves any quantity of solute. d. None of these