CHOOSE YOUR BET Choose your answer in the box and place it on the space provided. Receptacle pistil Petals ovary anther Stamen style filament stigma Sepals Parts of a Flower a is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk which bears the flower or group of flowers. are the modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of a flower when it is still a bud. When it blooms, it supports the bottom of the flower. A group of sepals is called calyx. the most obvious part of a flower. Most petals are brightly colored to attract insects for pollination. A group of petals is called corolla. is the male part of a flower. It consists of the filament and the anther: The holds the anther in a position tall enough to release the pollen. The consists of two lobes that contain pollen sacs. The pollen sacs have pollen grains that are released by the anther when they mature. .The is the female part of a flower. It consists of the stigma, style and ovary. The is the stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary. The is a swollen structure at the end of the style. The is the part that turns into fruit. The ovary contains one or more ovule.