
what is the sofa-syllable of the pitch name B-A-G?​

Sagot :


So-fa syllables



The pitch names or music alphabet is consists of seven letter names such as C-D-E-F-G-A-B. Its corresponding so-fa syllables are the do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti. The different notes are written at different lines and spaces depending on the musical staff that is used. So in identifying the pitch names or letter names or so-fa syllable names, always consider the musical staff and the key signature of the music.

The pitch names B-A-G has the so-fa syllable equivalents of ti-la-so.

Using the key of C Major and also using the movable do in naming pitch names, the following applies:

  • pitch name B has the so-fa syllable ti
  • pitch name A has the so-fa syllable la
  • pitch name G has the so-fa syllable so.

so fa-syllable names
