The GCF of two non-zero integers, x(11) and y(44), is the greatest positive integer m(11) that divides both x(11) and y(44) without any remainder.
Methods to Find GCF of 11 and 44
The methods to find the GCF of 11 and 44 are explained below.
Long Division Method
Listing Common Factors
Prime Factorization Method
GCF of 11 and 44 by Long Division
GCF of 11 and 44 is the divisor that we get when the remainder becomes 0 after doing long division repeatedly.
Step 1: Divide 44 (larger number) by 11 (smaller number).
Step 2: Since the remainder = 0, the divisor (11) is the GCF of 11 and 44.
The corresponding divisor (11) is the GCF of 11 and 44.
Prime factorization of 11 and 44 is (11) and (2 × 2 × 11) respectively. As visible, 11 and 44 have only one common prime factor i.e. 11. Hence, the GCF of 11 and 44 is 11.