A fa-la-tiba B. so-de-mi c. lati de D. lala-mi 7. The scale has one flat on the third line of the staff. What is its key? A. Key of B. Key of a c. Key of D D. Key of F 8. If you know the location of fa in the key of Fit is easy to determine the so-fa syllables on the staff. What so-fa syllable is on the third line? A. tb B. so C. mi D. re 9. Which of the following is correct about the key of F Major? A. The scale in the key of F Major has a home tone so. B. The scale in the key of F Major has no flat or sharp found on the staff. c. The scale in the key of F Major has one sharp located on the fifth line of the staff. D. The scale in the key of F Major has one flat located on the third line of the staff.