
explain how are the musical instruments from the cordillera are being used?​

Sagot :


Different Indigenous Musical Instruments of the Cordillera Gangsa is a single hand-held smooth-surfaced gong with a narrow rim.Tongatong is a bamboo percussion instrument used by the people of Kalinga to communicate with spirits during house blessings. It is made of bamboo cut in various lengths



ExplanatMusic of Cordillera



- It is the country's only land-locked


- It has a mountainous topography and dubbed as the "Watershed Cradle of North Luzon" as it hosts major rivers that provide continuous water for irrigation and energy for Northern Luzon.

Characteristics of Music of Cordillera

Music is very much part of life and living

Have a rich variety of songs and music performed on instruments

Often performed in groups, all members of the community are welcome and encouraged to join the singing, dancing and playing of instruments

Their music is communal and lparticipatory

Songs are usually in unison of pentatonic melodies

Music and other components of their culture are transferred from generation to generation through oral tradition.

Oral tradition is cultural material and traditions

transmitted orally from one generation to another

Oral may refer to speech communication as opposed to writing